“the new age is coming, whether you like it or not, and whether you understand it or not.” –Jordan Maxwell
Everything we experience is a chance to learn and grow. Whether we decide to take the opportunity to learn from our experiences influences how well we integrate change. Thus, when faced with uncertainty, it helps to connect to the possible purpose or lesson that is trying to express itself.
As students in the school of life, we are not only challenged with individual but also broader learning opportunities confronted by humanity as a whole. This could be a grand lesson for a particular generation for instance. I wanted to address one of these grand lessons for humanity that will be coming with the dawning of the new age.
I hope this information will help you connect to the lesson so that you can better navigate a changing landscape as time goes on.
Some background
As you may be aware, ages are connected the Earths axial wobble, or the procession of the equinoxes. Procession is gradually leading us from the age of Pieces into the age of Aquarius.
You should also know each age has its own characteristics, its own feel. The feel coincides with the Earth's chakra or energy point that is evolving during the particular age. This gradual procession of ages moving from base to higher more spiritually advanced chakras is meant to evolve the Earth and humanity into higher and higher consciousness.
Furthermore, each age is connected with an astrological sign and each sign is associated with an element carrying with it certian characteristics. Briefly:
Earth = physical/material
Air = Mental/Analytical
Fire = Energy/Passion/Creativity
Water = Emotions
All of these factors combine to give the age in question particular emphases, challenges and goals.
This past age, the age of Pieces, was associated with the heart chakra, evident in the dominance of Christianity, where a big emphasis was placed on the Christian values of giving, loving thy neighbor and faithfulness. The denser side of the Piecian zeitgeist perpetuated self-denial and the notion we are all born sinners. Oh and the guilt, lets not forget that! Pieces being a water sign is connected to emotions, and people of this time grew through believing and having faith.
The age of Aquarius brings with it an air sign influence. Air signs in general, and Aquarius in particular, have to do with mental strength, clarity of thought, science and analytical thinking. Astrology predicts that as the influences of the Aquarian age become stronger, scientific advancement accelerates. I think its safe to say this is has come to play out in human history. Think about it, since the development of the scientific method we have literally gone from a scientific break through emerging every decade to potentially everyday. Is it a coincidence that the age we are coming into precisely predicts this direction in human history?
Aquarius and the Third Eye
Vibrations tuned to third eye chakra are pervading the earth’s energy field. Many people incarnating on the earth today have an awakened third eye, although in many it is unbalanced. This is because there are actually two aspects of the third eye, referred to as the upper and lower petals. The lower petal is associated with technological development, analytical processing and advancements in the physical realm. Our current information age explosion with new technology being developed daily (maybe hourly) is a product of this.
Shifting from a blind faith characteristic of the former age, people now have a need to know and understand.
The upper petal is associated with intuition, spiritual connection and alignment. Its interesting that more and more people seem to prefer an individual spirituality over devotion to religious institutions. People seem to be striving to understand their life’s purpose and reach personal fulfillment.
A search for something more
The influence of the upper third eye as well as nudges and tugs from our higher self gradually wake us up and as people become aware they search for a different kind of spiritual fulfillment. Traditional institutions that employ us, provide spiritual leadership and guidance, and educate us, are proving inadequate. This is causing frustration and a lack of fulfillment. Thus, with little opportunity to grow spiritually while earning a living, getting an education and so on, we see a rise in existential turmoil and mental health issues.
It is through grappling with this division and ultimately integrating these two aspects of the third eye individually and as a society, we will benefit from a resultant higher consciousness. We are moving towards more scientifically based institutions with higher consciousness that care about working with nature so we can all benefit.
Another characteristic of this transition is that old institutions become polarized. This is the fundamentalists, the ones who talk of reestablishing the wholesome goodness of the past. What we are seeing is the old reacting to the changing winds. Feeling threatened, these institutions try to deny their stagnicity with a façade of security. They also demonize anything new in an attempt to cling an authoritative position and claim some legitimacy. Those inclined to the mindset of the new age who find this confusing, offensive and often angering can take solace knowing this is a natural tendency when institutions are falling.
What Will the New Age Look Like?
The new age has a goal: the integration of science and spirit. We are obviously not there yet as a whole, polarized in the lower petal of the third eye. However, the new age is coming and you can either fight against it by becoming entrenched in the old ways, deny it and loose your chance to contribute to the new age in this life, or you can stand up and help bring in the new. Working with the new age is moving in alignment with your Higher Self. If you listen to your heart, your passion and intuition you can expect the universe to take care of you. That doesn’t mean you won’t encounter difficulties, but you will gain accomplishment, peace and energy by fulfilling your soul’s mission in this life.
Whether you are feeling anxious or uneasy about the approaching new age or excited and ready for new challenges, remember, this is ultimately an opportunity to learn and grow. So don't expect to get comfortable, we may be in for a bumpy ride.
Just remember, change it isn't meant to feel stable, so everything is as it should be.
Some information about the new age and third eye informed by Indigo Adults by Kabir Jaffe: http://www.amazon.ca/Indigo-Adults-Kabir-Jaffe/dp/1601630670
Labels: Aquarius, astrology, higher self, new age, spirit, spiritual awakening