Reflections on Awakening

Have you just realized something you took for granted as just the way the world is, is absolutely wrong or completely the opposite of what you thought?

Have you recently started to notice the things your parents, teachers, friends, believe are actually fallacies sold to them in advertizing, movies, news media, and other propaganda?

Have you suddenly found yourself agreeing with certain alternative media hosts and personalities, who used to seem certifiably insane, hoaky, or just perpetuating outlandish theories for attention or money?

Do you now feel alone, with not many of your friends and family sharing your new beliefs or your quest for truth and understanding?

I know.

While awakening is most certainly an exciting and mind expanding process, it also creates many challenges. I thought I would share with you my own awakening process (still underway!) in the hopes some of you might identify with it and feel a bit more connected.

 I also wanted to include a list of common experiences and challenges that arise along the awakening process to basically say its okay, feeling or reacting like X is totally normal and you will ultimately come out on top. 

I will present my awakening story more or less as it unfolded to me at the time. I say this because after spending much time researching my views have adjusted substantially and I am still formulating my thoughts on what I think is true. Thus, what appears below is not necessarily exactly what I believe is true now. But for the sake of simplicity, here is what I believed when my worldview turned upside down.

Its funny to think back now and remember how I felt beforehand. Back then I thought life wasn’t going to throw me too many more surprises. How could it? I was 26, with a University education in science, so I probably knew everything. Well, I would probably learn more things, but the things I had already learned, those were true and always would be... right?

As you can probably tell, I was a bit of a “know it all.” I've always loved to express my opinion and explain things I’d learn in school for as long as I can remember. I thought people who held beliefs that differed from so called experts or scientists were just kooky and eccentric. Its fine for you to believe that, but I’ll go on believing the truth (i.e. the one I bought in school). One of those kooky eccentrics was my boyfriend, funny enough. He was really into conspiracies and alternative theories and was always watching “crazy" documentaries. We loved to debate these topics but never came to adapt the other's beliefs.

Until one such documentary that changed it all for me.

My boyfriend had been watching a UFO documentary late one night and he fell asleep. I stayed up to watch it out of interest, refuting and not buying a word... at first. My thoughts on aliens at the time were:
1. There was little to no basis to UFO sightings or abduction stories.
2. Those stories were made-up for low quality made-for-TV documentaries with little actual proof/truth. 
3. The only people who believed UFOs and abductions stories were people who needed their life to be more exciting then it was, like they were living on the X-Files or something.

University classes in astronomy and my own rudimentary knowledge of what scientists knew about alien visitation and space travel lead me to construct the belief that although there probably was life on other planets, they probably couldn’t get here, I mean its just too far. Plus, what was the likelihood that any of the other planets evolved intelligent life? Human beings on planet Earth was a total fluke... right?

This documentary featured various credible witnesses from the military and police discussing their encounters with UFOs. I wasn’t buying it until one man, SSgt. James Penniston, told his story. Everything about his story was so extraordinary, yet he himself was so believable (his reaction and struggle to make sense of it all, it was obvious he wasn’t lying).  I couldn’t deny the events must have really happened to him.

Suddenly I realized UFOs and aliens must really exist! I remember I woke my boyfriend up exclaiming, ALIENS ARE REAL! He kind of laughed with a sort of “welcome to the club.”

After that realization, my mind opened up and I experienced a giant worldview shift. As I searched for answers I became exposed to the Illuminati and occult, consciousness and the power of the mind, the secret history and origin of our planet and human beings. Everything I used to take for granted as truth was turned upside down and so much more was possible. Now I make it my mission to search for truth and to expose hidden/suppressed truths that may help others expand their consciousness as well.

Here is what I believe to be the some of the general stages of awakening:

Disorientation - you don’t know who to believe

People you used to trust for information about the world and how things work (your parents, school, the news) may now seem to either have no clue, refuse to see the truth or are knowingly propagating lies. At some point you may not want to believe anyone.

You may also hold every new belief tentatively, for it could betray you at any point. Although you may be more open minded, listening to new sources of information, you hold off attaching belief to them.

Distrust in Authority –everyone in power is against you

If you are or were here, it has become clear to you that authority figures, especially the government but also mainstream experts in the media, representatives from science, technology, art, etc. are either clueless or part of a conspiracy to keep humanity distracted and debased.

You might have also come to know that a cabal of bankers and secret society members are at the root of all the power in this world. Their influence is vast and may seem absolute. You may be nihilistic at times, feeling powerless against this great evil truth. The more you learn about them and their plan for humanity, the more hopeless it seems.

Food and water are poison, education inhibits intelligent free thinking, money is debt that enslaves.

All this distrust may be compounded by learning of the potential other worldly origin of this secret shadow government; whether you believe the linage is connected to a reptilian race of aliens as David Ike argues or the Annunaki race, as Michael Tsarian and others have contended.

All this may lead you to feel fearful about the future. As a result you might have found comfort in planning and prepping for what you see as imminent societal collapse.

Isolation –you are now part of a weirdo minority

Here you might feel like those around you, your friends and family, are all still blind to the truth. You might feel like you have little in common with them and it might be difficult to discuss things you used to enjoy. Things like common gossip, the weather and sports are just not that important to you anymore. You may also fear embarrassment or judgment for sharing your new worldview and be reluctant to discuss it. Thus you isolate yourself off from those who are still asleep, feeling disconnected.

Reconstruction –you start to believe everyone who agrees with your new beliefs

During this phase, you have begun to see patterns and certain information seems to steadily cling together. Maybe you started reconstructing your world and are willing to let some teachers in to help you understand it better.

However, if someone is speaking about a new belief you hold (UFOs are real, the government cannot be trusted/is run by a evil shadow government, human beings are much older then mainstream history/anthropology teaches) you might tend to believe them first off, only to find out that many of these so called experts don’t have the whole story either. Things begin to contradict each other and it may be hard to see who really knows what they are talking about, leading to disorientation again. This is because reconstruction is an ongoing process.

This is in fact part of the awakening process. If you can be calm in this confusion and become accustomed to the fact many things are not black and white but in fact exist in a vast grey area, you will increase your awareness and level of consciousness.

Speaking out –tell em how you really feel

Here, you might feel its time to share your new found thoughts about the world. Maybe you want to wake people up, help them see their food is garbage or that the government was behind 9/11 or whatever. Maybe you want to be part of discussions with those who get it. Find your voice, start to feel connected again. You’ve discovered there is a huge community out there with lots to learn and grow from and you want to make your voice heard.

Solution focus –okay things are bad, really really bad, how do we fix them

Here, you might start to focus on fixing some of the issues with this backwards world. You might start with yourself, cleansing your body of fluoride and other toxins. You also might advocate in your community by taking part in protests or other activist roles.

Spirit –what it all comes down to

You have come to know the spiritual nature of yourself. Something finally clicked, either while you were focused on the systems of domination and control or while you were looking for ways to rid your body of fluoride, you found the thing the elites in power want to distract you from, what the true nature of being human is all about: we are spiritual beings have a human experience.

When you reach this point, you know in your heart there is nothing anyone can take away from you when you connect to the divine within you. Your quest might have shifted at this point, from pointing out the bad to discovering what an amazing gift you have been given, an eternal soul. Your goals concern knowing your true self, healing your past life karma and discovering your clairvoyant abilities. This is where you can truly grow and where consciousness expansion begins.

What are your thoughts?  How did your awakening process compare to this?

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the pale fox: Reflections on Awakening

Monday, May 12, 2014

Reflections on Awakening

Have you just realized something you took for granted as just the way the world is, is absolutely wrong or completely the opposite of what you thought?

Have you recently started to notice the things your parents, teachers, friends, believe are actually fallacies sold to them in advertizing, movies, news media, and other propaganda?

Have you suddenly found yourself agreeing with certain alternative media hosts and personalities, who used to seem certifiably insane, hoaky, or just perpetuating outlandish theories for attention or money?

Do you now feel alone, with not many of your friends and family sharing your new beliefs or your quest for truth and understanding?

I know.

While awakening is most certainly an exciting and mind expanding process, it also creates many challenges. I thought I would share with you my own awakening process (still underway!) in the hopes some of you might identify with it and feel a bit more connected.

 I also wanted to include a list of common experiences and challenges that arise along the awakening process to basically say its okay, feeling or reacting like X is totally normal and you will ultimately come out on top. 

I will present my awakening story more or less as it unfolded to me at the time. I say this because after spending much time researching my views have adjusted substantially and I am still formulating my thoughts on what I think is true. Thus, what appears below is not necessarily exactly what I believe is true now. But for the sake of simplicity, here is what I believed when my worldview turned upside down.

Its funny to think back now and remember how I felt beforehand. Back then I thought life wasn’t going to throw me too many more surprises. How could it? I was 26, with a University education in science, so I probably knew everything. Well, I would probably learn more things, but the things I had already learned, those were true and always would be... right?

As you can probably tell, I was a bit of a “know it all.” I've always loved to express my opinion and explain things I’d learn in school for as long as I can remember. I thought people who held beliefs that differed from so called experts or scientists were just kooky and eccentric. Its fine for you to believe that, but I’ll go on believing the truth (i.e. the one I bought in school). One of those kooky eccentrics was my boyfriend, funny enough. He was really into conspiracies and alternative theories and was always watching “crazy" documentaries. We loved to debate these topics but never came to adapt the other's beliefs.

Until one such documentary that changed it all for me.

My boyfriend had been watching a UFO documentary late one night and he fell asleep. I stayed up to watch it out of interest, refuting and not buying a word... at first. My thoughts on aliens at the time were:
1. There was little to no basis to UFO sightings or abduction stories.
2. Those stories were made-up for low quality made-for-TV documentaries with little actual proof/truth. 
3. The only people who believed UFOs and abductions stories were people who needed their life to be more exciting then it was, like they were living on the X-Files or something.

University classes in astronomy and my own rudimentary knowledge of what scientists knew about alien visitation and space travel lead me to construct the belief that although there probably was life on other planets, they probably couldn’t get here, I mean its just too far. Plus, what was the likelihood that any of the other planets evolved intelligent life? Human beings on planet Earth was a total fluke... right?

This documentary featured various credible witnesses from the military and police discussing their encounters with UFOs. I wasn’t buying it until one man, SSgt. James Penniston, told his story. Everything about his story was so extraordinary, yet he himself was so believable (his reaction and struggle to make sense of it all, it was obvious he wasn’t lying).  I couldn’t deny the events must have really happened to him.

Suddenly I realized UFOs and aliens must really exist! I remember I woke my boyfriend up exclaiming, ALIENS ARE REAL! He kind of laughed with a sort of “welcome to the club.”

After that realization, my mind opened up and I experienced a giant worldview shift. As I searched for answers I became exposed to the Illuminati and occult, consciousness and the power of the mind, the secret history and origin of our planet and human beings. Everything I used to take for granted as truth was turned upside down and so much more was possible. Now I make it my mission to search for truth and to expose hidden/suppressed truths that may help others expand their consciousness as well.

Here is what I believe to be the some of the general stages of awakening:

Disorientation - you don’t know who to believe

People you used to trust for information about the world and how things work (your parents, school, the news) may now seem to either have no clue, refuse to see the truth or are knowingly propagating lies. At some point you may not want to believe anyone.

You may also hold every new belief tentatively, for it could betray you at any point. Although you may be more open minded, listening to new sources of information, you hold off attaching belief to them.

Distrust in Authority –everyone in power is against you

If you are or were here, it has become clear to you that authority figures, especially the government but also mainstream experts in the media, representatives from science, technology, art, etc. are either clueless or part of a conspiracy to keep humanity distracted and debased.

You might have also come to know that a cabal of bankers and secret society members are at the root of all the power in this world. Their influence is vast and may seem absolute. You may be nihilistic at times, feeling powerless against this great evil truth. The more you learn about them and their plan for humanity, the more hopeless it seems.

Food and water are poison, education inhibits intelligent free thinking, money is debt that enslaves.

All this distrust may be compounded by learning of the potential other worldly origin of this secret shadow government; whether you believe the linage is connected to a reptilian race of aliens as David Ike argues or the Annunaki race, as Michael Tsarian and others have contended.

All this may lead you to feel fearful about the future. As a result you might have found comfort in planning and prepping for what you see as imminent societal collapse.

Isolation –you are now part of a weirdo minority

Here you might feel like those around you, your friends and family, are all still blind to the truth. You might feel like you have little in common with them and it might be difficult to discuss things you used to enjoy. Things like common gossip, the weather and sports are just not that important to you anymore. You may also fear embarrassment or judgment for sharing your new worldview and be reluctant to discuss it. Thus you isolate yourself off from those who are still asleep, feeling disconnected.

Reconstruction –you start to believe everyone who agrees with your new beliefs

During this phase, you have begun to see patterns and certain information seems to steadily cling together. Maybe you started reconstructing your world and are willing to let some teachers in to help you understand it better.

However, if someone is speaking about a new belief you hold (UFOs are real, the government cannot be trusted/is run by a evil shadow government, human beings are much older then mainstream history/anthropology teaches) you might tend to believe them first off, only to find out that many of these so called experts don’t have the whole story either. Things begin to contradict each other and it may be hard to see who really knows what they are talking about, leading to disorientation again. This is because reconstruction is an ongoing process.

This is in fact part of the awakening process. If you can be calm in this confusion and become accustomed to the fact many things are not black and white but in fact exist in a vast grey area, you will increase your awareness and level of consciousness.

Speaking out –tell em how you really feel

Here, you might feel its time to share your new found thoughts about the world. Maybe you want to wake people up, help them see their food is garbage or that the government was behind 9/11 or whatever. Maybe you want to be part of discussions with those who get it. Find your voice, start to feel connected again. You’ve discovered there is a huge community out there with lots to learn and grow from and you want to make your voice heard.

Solution focus –okay things are bad, really really bad, how do we fix them

Here, you might start to focus on fixing some of the issues with this backwards world. You might start with yourself, cleansing your body of fluoride and other toxins. You also might advocate in your community by taking part in protests or other activist roles.

Spirit –what it all comes down to

You have come to know the spiritual nature of yourself. Something finally clicked, either while you were focused on the systems of domination and control or while you were looking for ways to rid your body of fluoride, you found the thing the elites in power want to distract you from, what the true nature of being human is all about: we are spiritual beings have a human experience.

When you reach this point, you know in your heart there is nothing anyone can take away from you when you connect to the divine within you. Your quest might have shifted at this point, from pointing out the bad to discovering what an amazing gift you have been given, an eternal soul. Your goals concern knowing your true self, healing your past life karma and discovering your clairvoyant abilities. This is where you can truly grow and where consciousness expansion begins.

What are your thoughts?  How did your awakening process compare to this?

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At June 20, 2014 at 12:05 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Wow what an article!
Yes I completely agree with the above stated, I have pretty much gone through the same process and find myself alone with myself.
My process of awakening had been going on my whole life but had hit overdrive since 2009.
David Icke came to Perth in 2011, after that day booooom. My life has flipped it.
Awesome, everyday I wake up, im a different man, different emotions, different insights, I feel peoples emotions and feel all sorts of energies. I have new abilities, I can channel energy, through martial arts ect. Its amazing, finally someone whos going through the same thing as me.
I am on a constant life journey of ascention now. I awake everyone I come across, some listen, some don't.
Most think ya crazy lol
Should share some insights :)



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